mercredi 29 août 2018


 I've finally watched and re-watched the last season of Twin Peaks, and my conclusion is this:

 Supernatural Evil acts exactly like an extraterrestrial force. The "Jowday" (old English for Jaw or Jowl of the Day, in other words the "Devourer of Light") plants seeds everywhere, at every opportunity, a very agressive panspermia. It wants for darkness and ruin to spread, and turn our entire world into a living hell, similar to its own habitat. That's terraformation, as we're all either contaminated and broken by evil or simply replaced by extremely dark versions of ourselves.

 And now, in real life, we're being conditionned to accept the reality of ancient pagan gods as paganism is making a sudden and violent comeback, while at the same time being constantly bombarded with the supposed inevitability of alien first contact in the not-so-distant future.

 Real-life SPOILERS: The revived pagan gods and our extraterrestrial visitors will reveal themselves to be one and the same ("ancient aliens"), and they will demand our environment, our genome and our very minds be modified, for our survival's sake. The ultimate abandon of conventional morality, the ultimate normalization of Satanism, pedophilia, cannibalism and who knows what else might ruin us and bind us to darkness eternal.