mercredi 2 mars 2011

You wanna know how I got these scars?

On the night of February 6th, I placed a mirror against the wall of my room, sat down on my bed in front of it, looked at myself straight in the eyes, and very calmly slit my own throat.

Earlier, on the internet, I reviewed the essentials; where the jugular is, how long it would take. A mere 1 to 3 minutes, it was written. I bought a very precise tool for the job, an insanely sharp Japanese Santoku knife, it seemed fitting since I was about to perform the honorable ritual of Jigai. I was so indescribably sick and tired of this world, of feeling nothing more than pain every day, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

It took 4 hours. Very calmly slicing one vein after another on both sides. Watching the warm, sticky blood spray across the mirror and running down my chest. I found it both surreal and darkly hilarious when, around 2:30 in the morning, I realized that not a single drop was left. I stood up, looked at all of the red mess everywhere, at the dried-up blackness of my own hands. I had peed four times in a bottle during the ordeal.

I couldn't believe I was still alive. I couldn't stay like this, it was an impossible horror show. I went to the bathroom to get a brand-new bottle of 30 very powerful sleeping pills, which were lethal unto themselves. I finally fell asleep, holding a picture of the redheaded goddess I once loved, thinking it was over. I would wake up somewhere else.

Beyond my last moments of consciousness, there was a vision of Pan. His most abysmal of eyes were hypnotic. As I admired the finer details of his big beautiful horns, like endless spiral stairways, I wondered if this was the afterlife.

I woke up two days later at the hospital. The doctors told my parents that they didn't understand how it was possible for me to still be alive, I had lost nearly all of my blood and then irreversibly poisoned myself. As they transferred me to the psych ward, the female police officer accompanying me gently whispered: "You must have an angel watching over you." No shit.

It took them three days to determine that I wasn't crazy. All they gave me was Tylenol and anti-biotics. I first looked like Frankenstein's monster with the staples keeping my neck together, but the lines are becoming less and less obvious with every passing day. The shrinks were concerned with how "cold and rational" my suicide attempt was, they said it took a "terrible willpower". First time I heard of someone officially being held in a mental hospital for being sane.

One of the more interesting patients here believes himself to be locked into an epic David versus Goliath struggle with every single public labor union on Earth. He also believes that Walt Disney's frozen brain speaks to him telepathically through his quantum computer, a quantum computer he built at home using a solar-powered crystal cube of Atlantean origin, given to him by a Native American member of the Anti-Illuminati Movement. They let him out early without his medication, a whole week before I even got to breath some fresh air. He is now suing the hospital for violating his privacy when they wouldn't let him masturbate naked in his room in front of the window. I'm quite serious.

But I'm free now after merely three weeks of waiting, my trust in the Universe is renewed, and the pain (both physical and emotional) is almost gone. I followed in the footsteps of Alexander, taking a sword to the inner Gordian Knot, which is quite exacting since both Alexander and I believed ourselves to be the Divine Achilles reincarnate. But seriously, now that I'm out of my own personal Arkham, you wanna know how I got these scars?

88 commentaires:

The Secret Sun a dit…

I'm very happy you're still with us, JB. Hopefully your guardian will become your guide.

JB a dit…

Wow, that was a fast response. I met a girl named "Soleil" (Sun) on my last day at the psych ward. She told me she could see past lives, and that she saw me covered in bronze a long time ago. Achilles, again. Soleil believed herself to be Joan of Arc. We made out over and over again when the security camera was turned the other way. :)

muzuzuzus a dit…

Of course Pan was your Guardian :)

That story there is one of the most moving and powerful and honest stories I have read. I am SO glad you are alright.

JB a dit…

Its the first time I've heard of you my dear muzuzuzus, but thank you for your generous comment.

John Henning a dit…

I just saw your post at Mr Knowles' site, The Secret Sun.

I agree with his quote above. Your experience, your account of it, has also touched me as well.

Be well.

Anonyme a dit…

Jesus JB,

I am glad you're OK. Are you OK?

In the summer of 2001, I also attempted a violent suicide, so I can relate.

You are a crazy man through and through, and this is a poignant account.

Take care.

Da WWWiz

Michael a dit…

Yikes. In this case, I'm really glad you did not succeed with your plan, JB. Man, what a powerful story.

So that was you in the ward with me? I need to ask Walt about that. ;-)

Much love,

JB a dit…

Obi-Wan- Oh, I'm more than okay. I went from black to white overnight. The fact that my survival was intact and nothing short of miraculous has proven to me without a doubt that the Universe does indeed have a purpose intended for me. I challenged Death to a staring contest and Death blinked.

Michael- Funny story: merely a few hours before going through with it, I looked up where my former redheaded goddess now resides on Google Streetview and Google Earth. I thought, "I'll fly over to pay her a visit while she's taking a shower and write 'hello' in the condensation with my ghost finger just to freak her out." It would have been worth dying just to see her reaction. ;)

Devin a dit…

Hi JB,
I saw a comment you did at Gosporn and just wanted to say that I am so glad you are all right!!
I agree with both Christopher and muzuzuzus!!
btw --if you encounter anyone who tries to 'guilt-trip' you about this -tell them to go take a flying bleeep!!
I tried suicide in 1990 (altho my attempt was nowhere near as 'serious' as yours)-I did make the mistake of letting certain people make me feel guilt over it for a time when I should have been working on the 'whys' of doing it!!
best to you and thanks for having the courage to post this!!

Delorus a dit…

I'm glad you are here. I imagine you have a reservoir of understanding and strength that most people will not aquire. Please remember that even if you don't always have access to it, it is there.
Best wishes for healing, Delorus

Raj a dit…

Very powerful, intense stuff, JB. Glad you're still with us. As Knowlesy said, hopefully your guardian will become your guide.


FilmNoir23 a dit…

Really very sorry to hear of your recent strife. These are troubled times all around for sure. I am glad you are still with us.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Jesus Christ. I cannot confirm the following information, nor tell you the source, but please take into consideration:

-By end of december 2020: second worldwide lockdown, much stricter.

-First quarter 2021: universal basic income program for everyone, appearance of much worse Covid-21.

-Second quarter 2021: third worldwide lockdown, no travel of any sort between countries or cities allowed.

-Third quarter 2021: supply chain broken and inventory gone. Military everywhere.

Total relief of all debt of any sort by IMF, now known as "World Debt Reset Program", but guaranteed universal basic income and individual debt relief on condition of release of all property and assets forever, as well as, of course, be given Covid-21 vaccine. World Debt Reset Program now in charge of everything.

Those who take new vaccine will receive photo id "Health Pass", no more lockdown or restrictions for them. Those individuals who refuse sent to isolation facilities - internment camps, "public safety risk" - indefinitely (or until they change their minds).

Prime Minister Trudeau and main members of Liberal Party in Canada already agreed to this in private, they were told "it'll be the same everywhere on Earth".

Dginn a dit…

Tu entends les gens chanter ? Lorsque le battement de votre cœur correspond au battement du tambour il ya une vie sur le point de commencer.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Screamingly sentient, dumbly delirious, only the gods that were can tell. A sickened, sensitive shadow writhing in hands that are not hands, and whirled blindly past ghastly midnights of rotting creation, corpses of dead worlds with sores that were cities, charnel winds that brush the pallid stars and make them flicker low. Beyond the worlds vague ghosts of monstrous things; half-seen columns of unsanctified temples that rest on nameless rocks beneath space and reach up to dizzy vacua above the spheres of light and darkness. And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods — the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen

In Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is

Lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in

Dim Carcosa.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed, Shall dry and die in

Lost Carcosa."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"There was no hand to hold me back
That night I found the ancient track,
And reached the crest to see outspread
A valley of the lost and dead:
And over Zaman’s Hill the horn
Of a malignant moon was born,
To light the weeds and vines that grew
On ruined walls I never knew.
The fox-fire glowed in field and bog,
And unknown waters spewed a fog
Whose curling talons mocked the thought
That I had ever known this spot.
Too well I saw from the mad scene
That my loved past had never been —
Nor was I now upon the trail
Descending to that long-dead vale.
Around was fog — ahead, the spray
Of star-streams in the Milky Way...
There was no hand to hold me back
That night I found the ancient track."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

LO, a Shadow of horror is risen
In Eternity! unknown, unprolific, Self-clos’d, all-repelling. What Demon Hath form’d this abominable Void, This soul-shudd’ring Vacuum? Some said It is Urizen. But unknown, abstracted, Brooding, secret, the dark Power hid.
Times on times he divided, and measur’d Space by space in his ninefold darkness, Unseen, unknown; changes appear’d Like desolate mountains, rifted furious By the black winds of perturbation.
For he strove in battles dire, In unseen conflictions with Shapes, Bred from his forsaken wilderness, beast, bird, fish, serpent, and element, Combustion, blast, vapour, and cloud.
Dark, revolving in silent activity, Unseen in tormenting passions, An Activity unknown and horrible, A self-contemplating Shadow, In enormous labours occupièd.
But Eternals beheld his vast forests; Ages on ages he lay, clos’d, unknown, Brooding, shut in the deep; all avoid The petrific, abominable Chaos.
His cold horrors, silent, dark Urizen

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Delta" is a triangle. "Omicron" is an eye. They've straight to the eye, within the triangle, the CAPSTONE of the Pyramid, meaning their Work is complete; after *21* months of Lockdowns, and fear-inducing, and trauma-based conditioning, their *ritual* is complete; this is something more complex and exhausting than the Abramelin ritual working, perpetrated on the largest scale, with billions of participants.

Nevermind Roswell/Crossroads, what comes next, after the capstone, will be otherworldly/Apocalyptic.

Hold on tight to what you love, 2022 will make 2020/2021 seem like mere foreplay.

This is essentially a modern adaptation of "Greek Magical Papyri" (Latin Papyri Graecae Magicae, abbreviated PGM), the name given by scholars to a body of papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt, written mostly in ancient Greek.

(One of the best known of these texts is the *Mithras* Liturgy.)

While the papyri were produced in Egypt, they contain many sections that are Greek in origin and nature. It is noted how Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Aphrodite, among others, are portrayed not as Hellenic or Hellenised aristocrats, as in contemporary literature, but as demonic or even dangerous, much like in Greek folklore.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Look about you, Clarke. You see the mountain, and hill following after hill, as wave on wave, you see the woods and orchard, the fields of ripe corn, and the meadows reaching to the reed-beds by the river. You see me standing here beside you, and hear my voice; but I tell you that all these things—yes, from that star that has just shone out in the sky to the solid ground beneath our feet—I say that all these are but dreams and shadows; the shadows that hide the real world from our eyes. There is a real world, but it is beyond this glamour and this vision, beyond these 'chases in Arras, dreams in a career,' beyond them all as beyond a veil. I do not know whether any human being has ever lifted that veil; but I do know, Clarke, that you and I shall see it lifted this very night from before another's eyes. You may think this all strange nonsense; it may be strange, but it is true, and the ancients knew what lifting the veil means. *They called it seeing the Great God Pan.*"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The beginning of Götterdämmerung:

The three Norns, daughters of Erda, gather beside Brünnhilde's rock, weaving the rope of Destiny. They sing of the past and the present, and of the future when Wotan will set fire to Valhalla to signal the end of the gods. Without warning, their rope breaks. Lamenting the loss of their wisdom, the Norns disappear.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Ningishzida, in Sumerian myth, is the "lord of the tree of life", often represented as a serpent with a human face. The caduceus is interpreted as depicting the god himself.

Ningishzida is one of the two doorkeeper of Anu's celestial palace, alongside Tammuz. This appears to indicate that these two gods are present in Heaven rather than the Netherworld when they're dead.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The point of this being that even in Ancient Sumeria the *caduceus* represented the Serpent with a human face, "Lord of the Tree of Life" (the Trickster in Genesis). He and their "god of resurrection", the Good Shepherd Tammuz, were sometimes said to be one and the same. The Gnostics also believed Jesus was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?"


JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"And in that moment, the sacrament of body and soul was dissolved, and a voice seemed to cry “Let us go hence,” and then the darkness of darkness beyond the stars, the darkness of everlasting."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Carl Jung:
"Abraxas generates truth and falsehood, good and evil, light and darkness with the same word in the same deed. Therefore Abraxas is truly the terrible one.
He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn.
Indeed, he is himself the greater Pan, and also the lesser. He is Priapos.
He is the monster of the underworld, the octopus with a thousand tentacles, he is the twistings of winged serpents and of madness."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Below this figure we read a frank and simple inscription—THE DEVIL. Yes, we confront here the great beast of the Middle Ages, and—worse than all these—the Baphomet of the Templars, the obscene deity of Mendes, the goat of the Sabbath. But the adorers of this sign do not consider, as do we, that it is a representation of the devil; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan." - Éliphas Lévi

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Do they have a god, or a leader of some sort (the nightmare horrors, the black pseudo-elementals)?"

Pan sighed. "Yes, unfortunately, my opposite. The Anti-Pan; a debased aspect of myself, a detached shadow. We're quite good friends in a way, but I keep him at arm's length.

His horns are longer and vicious looking. He has real goat's legs and coarse hair. He is the real nymph-chasing satyr, the true model for the devil; he is the reason for the bad reputation I have.

It is too easy to invoke him, but the fools who do deserve what's coming to them. Their cosmic consciousness is not highly developed, if at all."

"Is he evil?"

"He is a negative entity who brings negative energies, but he has a necessary role to play. But that's enough talking about him."

- R. Ogilvie Crombie

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

No one can agree about the origins of the royal symbol of the "Fleur-de-Lys"; there's evidence for at least 3 or 4 versions of the story...

*The oldest version from early Roman times says it's from a wine-red birthmark found on the shoulder of men chosen by the Great Horned One, Father of All of the Gods.*

Years before I met Pan on the other side, I got a tattoo on my shoulder, a simple red-wine symbol of what was supposed to be the letters "CC", forming a heart (my love interest at the time). The tattoo artist took some artistic liberties with the design, and it turned out looking a little bit like the head of a horned animal, a bull maybe, in the shape of a heart (the letters "CC", facing each other, forming the horns).

It's only a decade later, reading as much as I could about the origins of the Celtic Cernunnos, that I saw a drawing in a book showing the earliest pre-Christian version of the Fleur-de-Lys, the one mentionned above: it was virtually identical to my tattoo, "a man chosen by the Great Horned One".

Just goes to show fate is beyond our control.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I've come to the conclusion that the Rooster was used as a symbol for Abraxas/the Demiurge (long established, even by Carl Jung himself, as being none other than Pan) because someone must have somehow caught a glimpse of Pan beyond the cosmic veil, as I did, but the image must not have been perfectly clear (they probably used psychedelics): the Great God Pan does have a flamboyant, mane-like hairstyle, and a huge goatee and a very pronounced beak-like nose that could very well be misinterpreted from a flawed perspective as him being a giant cosmic Rooster.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

From the "true story" of Joan of Arc, based upon her own brother's testimony, along with her early childhood history in her native village (assembled and translated by yours truly from Robert Charroux's works):

"Joan was not a virgin, and most definitely not a good Catholic girl. Everything you heard about her was "cleaned up" by her followers to idealize her and make her more popular to a broader public.

The unfortunate truth is that Joan spent most of her childhood hanging out by a very old sacred tree, called the "Fairy Tree", and yes, she did talk to fairies and other nature spirits, NOT angels, and yes, she was very promiscuous, not only with the boys of the village, but more than once was she seen copulating with FAUNS near the old tree; even the Great Faun of our Celtic ancestors, with the great antlers, was seen loving her.

It is well known that she survived for many years after being supposedly burned to the stake, for she was well protected; a true "witch" cannot be burned or drowned."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

CERN is traditionnally short for CERNunnos, the Celtic Pan, holding a torq, key to the Abyss. A torq looks exactly like a particle accelerator.

The bronze statue of Lord Shiva the Destroyer at their HQ is also Pan, since Shiva started out in Vedic times as Lord Pashupati, virtually identical to Cernunnos.

The LHC was built upon the site of an ancient Roman temple to Apollyon the Destroyer, the "angel" of the Abyss mentionned in Revelations 9:11.

CERN started in 1952, same year Jack Parsons died of a horrific death. The mad scientists working there often refer to the LHC as "the KEY" to the mysteries of the Universe, and openly intend to create an artificial singularity.

If CERN and the LHC are for real, it is quite obvious they're trying to open a portal to the bottomless pit.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth is a book presented as a true account written by Willis George Emerson in 1908, which describes the adventures of Olaf Jansen, a Norwegian sailor who sailed with his father through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole.

For two years Jansen lived with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a "smoky" central sun. Their capital city was said to be the original Garden of Eden.

"The Smoky God" is the name given to the dim, red sun by the Hollow Earth people whom worship it. It should be mentionned that Olaf Jansen was a believer in the old Norwegian traditions of Odin and Thor (his travels deep within our world only strengthened his beliefs), and that the inside of the Earth is supposedly covered with gigantic crystals; we essentially live on the rough surface of an immense geode.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Moloch, written "mlk", means "sacrifice" in the Punic language.

"Phoenicians, and above all Carthaginians, worship Kronos (Moloch); if they wish to achieve something big, they devote a child of theirs, and in the case of success, sacrifice it to the god. There is a bronze statue of Kronos among them, which stands upright with open arms and palms of its hands facing upwards above a bronze brazier on which the child is burnt. When the flames reach the body, the victim’s limbs stiffen and the tense mouth almost seems like it is laughing until, with a final spasm, the child falls in the brazier."

*Wealthy Carthaginians would purchase infant slaves to offer in lieu of their own children.* Although the priests who sacrificed children had been crucified by a Roman procurator, "that holy crime persists in secret". A Christian writer, Minucius Felix, claims that Punic women *aborted their children as a form of sacrifice*.

The most troubling aspect of all this is that "Moloch" might not refer to a god other than Yahweh/El, but merely to a specific form of sacrifice (mlk); meaning that countless thousands (millions?) of children were murdered in adoration of the Biblical Yahweh/El.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Aleister Crowley was exceptionally dead-on about a lot of things, despite his many perversions and absurdities. Reviewing his works, I keep being astonished at how accurately he describes my personal experiences several decades before I was even born:

"The Night of Pan, or N.O.X., is a mystical state that represents the stage of ego-death in the process of spiritual attainment.

The playful and lecherous Pan is the Greek god of nature, lust, and the masculine generative power. The Greek word Pan also translates as All, and so he is “a symbol of the Universal, a personification of Nature; both Pangenetor, "all-begetter," and Panphage, "all-devourer". Therefore, Pan is both the giver and the taker of life, and his Night is that time of symbolic death where the adept experiences unification with the All through the ecstatic destruction of the ego-self. In a more general sense, it is the state where one transcends all limitations and experiences oneness with the Universe...

To escape the Abyss beyond the stars, the adept gives up their deepest sense of earthly identity, in the symbolic gesture of pouring out their blood into the Cup of the Scarlet Woman. The adept then becomes as a Babe in the Womb of Babalon— *impregnated by Pan*— and their lifeless Self becomes as a pile of dust, taking rest under the Night of Pan. The principal business of this grade is to obtain a perfect understanding of the Universe, and to eventually become a Magus, symbolized by the numbers *9 and 2*; the Magus seeks to attain Wisdom (symbolized by entering Chokmah on the Tree of Life), the cosmic abode of Pan Himself."

I was essentially following a map that I couldn't even see, leading to a place I didn't even know existed. And, unfortunately, the numbers of fate do not lie: I was born at 9 months and 2 weeks, at 9 hours and 2 minutes in the morning, at a weight of 9 pounds and 2 ounces. If Crowley was right, *the Great God Pan had chosen me as his spiritual son before I was even born; my death and rebirth irreversibly scealed this; I am no longer the person I once was, total personality transformation.*

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

According to Celtic astronomy/religion, the "Circle of Keugant" is the abode of Cernunnos, and Cernunnos alone, the "Empty circle above Heaven, where the Uncreated resides". It is an infinity of absolute nothingness, *within which both the circles of Heaven and Earth are found*. This is a very similar concept to both the Ain Sof of Kaballism and M-Brane Theory, in which our physical Universe lies within "Eternity", a hyper-dimensional realm without limit.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Ancient Apocalypse (2022) Episode 3: Sirius Rising

"Using state-of-the-art software that tracks the movement of stars over thousands of years, Lenie was able to rewind the night sky like a clock, looking for a single visible star that aligned with all the temples. And not just during the time frame when they were supposedly built, but from any point in the past. [Lenie] I have been working to check and check, and then all of a sudden, it appeared. The temples were orientated to one star. [Graham] That one star was Sirius, often called the Dog Star. [Lenie] It passes all the entrances at some point in time. All the temples fit it. Every single one. And Sirius, of course, is a particularly magnificent star. If I'm correct, it's the brightest star in the sky. The brightest, by far. It is two times as bright as the next brightest. [Graham] Lenie's theory would also explain why these early astronomers built so many temples.

The star, Sirius, also plays a prominent role in the legends of another great culture of antiquity, ancient Egypt, where it was associated with the annual flooding of the Nile and the new year and was a symbol of their great goddess, Isis.

Perhaps our own advanced civilization should heed their warnings (from *12,000 years ago*), lest our own story end the same way."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

“Oh we do have our stable of weird people working for us.  Did I ever tell you about the Pedophile Academy?  We actually had one down at Camp Peary, (in Virginia) right near (the CIA’s) Jim Critchfield’s place.  I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but we called it ‘The Farm,’ and it was supposed to be a secret training center for young agents.  Allen Dulles set up this training center down there for pedophiles.  They were in training to seduce, molest, and most especially photograph the young children of targets.  Not only, Allen reasoned, would our graduates have a spanking good time but they could get wonderful action photos of the wee ones to blackmail their families with.  I understand they broke it up when one of the graduates nailed a (CIA) Deputy Director’s son at a summer camp.”

-Robert Crowley, CIA Domestic Contracts Division 1959-1962; Assistant Deputy Director of Operations (ADDO) 1980

“After such knowledge, what forgiveness?”

-T. S. Eliot

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

1 Six days later, Jesus took Peter, James, and John, the brother of James, up on a high mountain by themselves. 2 While they watched, Jesus’ appearance was changed; his face became bright like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. 3 Then Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Jesus.

4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you want, I will put up three tents here—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

5 While Peter was talking, a bright cloud covered them. A voice came from the cloud and said, “This is my Son, whom I love, and I am very pleased with him. Listen to him!”

6 When his followers heard the voice, they were so frightened they fell to the ground. 7 But Jesus went to them and touched them and said, “Stand up. Don’t be afraid.” 8 When they looked up, they saw Jesus was now alone.

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone about what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.

10 Then his followers asked him, “Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”

11 Jesus answered, “They are right to say that Elijah is coming and that he will make everything the way it should be. 12 But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him. They did to him whatever they wanted to do. It will be the same with the Son of Man; those same people will make the Son of Man suffer.” 13 Then the followers understood that Jesus was talking about John the Baptist.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

From Wordman: "This of course ties in with the mass child disappearances and deaths under the reigns of Elizabeth Bathory, who even went so far as to bathe in human blood, and murdered as many as 650 servant girls, often dismembering them while still alive over the course of days and even weeks, and Baron Gilles de Rais, who once fought at the side of Joan of Arc.  Born in 1405, and after an extensive military career, he began staging elaborate theatrical spectacles that depleted his then-massive fortune.  Somewhere between 1437-1438, partly in effort to rebuild his wealth, the Baron began his dabbling in alchemy and the summoning of demons.  After 1437, the first mass graves of children began to be found on his properties.  By his own confession all the deaths occurred after he had sodomized the victims. 

Between them, de Rais and Bathory, approximately some 150 years after him, accounted for the deaths of over 1,400 children, and those are just the known figures.  Both were extensively drawn to and interested in the occult sciences.  The sole reason we know about their crimes to this day is the fact they eventually angered both the Church and wealthy neighboring families.  If they would have kept the slaughter to a minimum, and more pointedly kept only to peasant children for their desires, both likely would never have been put on trial and today in all likelyhood their crimes would never have been a part of the historical record. Throughout history, most royals have enjoyed rape, excessive torture, and murder, so why should the era we currently live in be any different?"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I've streamlined my theory: Ewen Cameron was using "psychic driving", torture and extreme sexual abuse to turn young women into "incarnations" of the Venusian goddess Inanna/Babalon, which he and his partners qualified as the first "non-human (extraterrestrial) "vehicle" on Earth". This seems to describe the literal Venusian "mother of humanity" Orejona, a blue-skinned, blue-blooded amphibian which came here 5 million years ago. The DIA's Stargate Program essentially confirmed this in 1983, their "remote viewers" witnessing the creation of the very first ape-men as a hybrid race made by a beautiful extraterrestrial female geneticist using her own DNA.

Ewen Cameron's methods involved *getting the young women pregnant, then taking their babies away from them, this very deep trauma transforming them into "goddess clones".*

This directly ties into "The She-Creature", a 1956 American black-and-white science fiction horror film, in which *a mad doctor conducts experiments in hypnotic regression that take his unwitting female subject to a past life as a prehistoric humanoid form of sea life.* He uses the physical manifestation of the prehistoric creature to commit murders.

The story was inspired by the success of the best-selling Morey Bernstein book The Search for Bridey Murphy, which concerned hypnotism and reincarnation.

One of the main actresses of this movie was Sally *Fraser*. It was shown as a double-feature (twinning) with "It Conquered the World", concerning an alien creature *from the planet Venus* that secretly wants to take control of the Earth. The creature makes contact with a disillusioned human scientist, who agrees to help because the scientist believes that such an alien intervention will bring peace and save a doomed humanity from itself.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…


(The original of this letter is in the Library of Rome. An authenticated copy is in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.)

A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day, I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told that his name was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden coloured hair and His beard gave to His appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions. Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he read in the words of all the philosophers, anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble, and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews – not the poor but the rich and powerful.

Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having a morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron band to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb, as a guilty culprit, though He was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day. All in all He made a deep impression upon me and everyone because of His kindness, simplicity, humility and love.

Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health, calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offence and as others have said, we must agree truly this is the Son of God!

Your most obedient servant,


JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I think I might have cracked a larger ritual:

The Oriental Zodiac is not simply a cycle of 12 years, but rather, *60 years*. True, there are 12 zodiac signs.. But there are also 5 elements....Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, and it takes 5x12 years before both cycles start again.

Take a look at a Pentagram. Modern pagans associate the points of the pentagram like this: lower left point with Earth; lower right point with Fire; upper right point with Water; upper left point with Air; and the top point with Spirit. So...

A pentagram, representing the 5 elements, following a star-cycle of 60 years...

The *Pentagon* began construction on *September 11*, 1941. The Pentagon/pentagram was broken 60 years to the day, on September 11, 2001. This was the culmination of an invocation of the starry heavens.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In the series "Hannibal", we were shown a vortex/wormhole manifesting between the antlers of Cernunnos, which not only fits in with ancient Celtic beliefs that "the path between this world and the spirit world is found between the *horns of the Hunter (god of the hunt/wilderness)*", but it also fits into my own experience with the Great God Pan, in which the way in or out of the Abyss was through Pan's spiralling ram's horns.

*IMO, the "dark tunnel leading towards the light of Heaven" seen in most NDEs *is* the inside of Pan's horns.* He's the Gatekeeper, he's always there.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

NEVER FORGET! This is all a part of *The Great Deception*, as Crowley's little grey man LAM told him, they would reintroduce themselves to humanity not as angels, but as aliens from another planet. Also remember that the grandfather of the "Ancient Astronaut Theory" was NOT Erich Von Daniken, but Peter Kolosimo back in the 1950s, and Kolosimo was later discovered to be a Soviet agent trying to convince Westerners that all mythological and religious stories have a materialistic, extraterrestrial origin. "The purpose of communism is to KILL GOD!"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The very unique Basque people, who have lived in the Pyrénées mountains of Spain and France for easily 35,000 to 45,000 years, possess the highest percentage of Rh-negative blood on Earth: 40% of their population. To possess Rh-negative blood means that none of your distant ancestors were ever simian, no monkey genes whatsoever.

Researchers have postulated that the Basque might be the result of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, or that they are direct descendants of the long-forgotten Atlantean race.

But the Basque themselves believe they are the children of their prehistoric deity Akerbeltz, their name for the Great God Pan.

Jewish Orthodox geneticists have postulated that the Rh-negative factor comes from the Adam Kadmon, the primordial cosmic man, who is described as being very masculine, very hairy to the point of being somewhat animalistic, and possessing gigantic "keren", horns of divine power (in other words, Pan ). In Judaism, it is taught that the Adam Kadmon is a reflection of the Creator's true image.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"According to Timothy Cooper (of MJ-12 fame), another flying saucer crashed in 1947 near White Sands; within the wreckage was found the remains of an incredibly old Hebrew Bible. Once retrieved by the military it was entrusted to scholars at Harvard, who were tasked with trying to translate its complex text.

One of the foremost Hebrew experts, William Foxwell Albright (who had studied the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, also uncovered in 1947), was allegedly on board for the translation, which would no doubt last several years. The Vatican also became involved in 1949.

By 1955, the ancient Bible was placed in the hands of the National Security Agency, and their language experts confirmed that a) it had been written in proto-Hebrew, b) it closely dovetailed the Dead Sea Scrolls, and c) it challenged the world's religions, by suggesting that many early accounts of amazing miracles, of angelic or demonic manifestations, and of apparitions in the skies of the Middle East, in reality had to do with the technology-based actions of extraterrestrial visitors, that these ancient aliens were falsely worshipped as gods, or God Himself. It was deemed that the public could never, ever be told." - The Pyramids and the Pentagon

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The En-Sof, the Creator, according to Luria, is so utterly incomprehensible that the older Kabbalistic doctrine of the manifestation of the En-Sof in the Sefirot must be abandoned. Hence he teaches that only the Adam Ḳadmon, who arose in the way of self-limitation by the En-Sof, can be said to manifest himself in the Sefirot, within the Creation itself.

This heavenly Adam, stepping forth out of the highest original darkness, is not only the highest manifestation of God knowable to us, but he is the one who created the earthly Adam.

The "Primal Man" of the Elcesaites, was also, according to the conception of these Jewish Gnostics, of huge dimensions; seemingly dozens of miles in height and dozens of miles in breadth, appearing to contain all of the stars of the nightsky within him; being originally androgynous, and then cleft in two, the masculine part becoming the Messiah, and the feminine part the Holy Ghost. Therefore the Primal Man is purely masculine in appearance and behavior, while the purely feminine aspect is invisible and intangible.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Since the Basque people of the Pyrénées are the oldest and purest of all races and cultures on Earth, we should examine their beliefs:

The main figures of their belief system is the female deity Mari and her consort Sugaar. Based on the attributes ascribed to these mythological creatures, this would be considered a chthonic religion as all its characters dwell on earth or below it, with the sky seen mostly as an empty corridor through which the divinities pass.

Mari lives underground, normally in a cave in a high mountain, where she and her consort Sugaar meet every Friday (the night of the Akelarre or witch-meeting) to conceive the storms that will bring fertility (and sometimes disgrace) to the land and the people. Mari is served by a court of sorginak (witches). She is depicted as riding through the sky in a chariot pulled by horses or rams. Her idols usually feature a full moon behind her head.

Mari is often witnessed as a woman dressed in red. She is also seen as a woman of fire, identified with red animals (ram, horse), and with the black he-goat, or more precisely the black he-goat deity, her other lover and her steed, Akerbeltz.

Her main consort Sugaar ("old serpent of high fire") is essentially a living thunderbolt, fire from the sky personnified as a great fiery serpent or dragon. *In one myth Sugaar seduces a Scottish princess in a village, possessing her, wanting her to become a new Mari.*

Akerbeltz is said to live inside the land and is believed to have as many elves as servants. He was an ancient deity who protected animals; the billy goat was adored in other European countries as well as the Basque Country. Folklorists say that Akerbeltz was similar to some ancient deities such as Dionysus, in terms of excesses, and Pan, in terms of sexual abuses.

People from the Pyrenees thought that Akerbeltz and his elves could go to any house and take the beard from a billy-goat in order to make hail. That is the reason why in *Freser* they have always said: "A la casa han tosa la cabra, aquesta tarde tindrem pedra"; "They have cut the billy goat's beard, this afternoon it is going to hail".

Basajaun, however, is just their version of the Sasquatch, the wild man of the woods:

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"A horror writer such as Arthur Machen depicts Pan as the terrifying power of the Abyss, while a visionary such as Robert Ogilvie Crombie sees a benign cosmic power nurturing life on Earth. But the Abyss is the void of creation, the origin of all light and life in the Universe, so of course the personnification of nature would be it's gatekeeper..."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In Norse mythology, Brimir is another name for the primordial cosmic giant Ymir, and also a name of a hall for the souls of the virtuous following the end-time conflict of Ragnarök.

Apparently Ymir, whose sacrifice originally made it possible for the entire Universe to exist, will also be reincarnated as Brimir, the owner of the beer hall itself, where "plenty of good drink" will be available for those who take pleasure in it.

The long-dead Creator deity born again as a bartender in the Afterlife.

This reminds me of Sumerian mythology, in which there is a bartender at the ends of the Earth who knows all of the secrets of the gods.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I can't get over that I'm still finding new versions of Pan after all these years. Although this seems to have been common knowledge very specifically in Scotland back in the 16th and 17th centuries, it has now been relegated to merely two sources: a historical transcript of the Scottish witch trials, and "The Miscellany of the Spalding Club", by John Stuart, 1841.

Originally written in 1598 (with context): "And that Christsondy ("the one worshipped before Christ", with the antlers of a stag) beatt a mark in the third fynger of thy richt hand , quhilk thow Siclyk , thow affermis that the Quene of Elphen (his consort) hes a grip of all the craft , bot Christsondy is the gudeman (either "the man of good" or "the one who brings your soul to the other side") , and hes all power vnder God."

Many of the people on trial kept insisting that Christsondy, the stag-man, was not the Devil, but merely the god of their distant ancestors, still revered by more rural folks (Cernunnos).

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Isaac Newton claimed to be descended from "ancient Scottish nobility". He was allegedly Grand Master of The Prieuré de Sion, and member of the quasi-Masonic Gentlemen's Club of Spalding, obsessed with the Christsondy ("the one worshipped before Christ", with the antlers of a stag, the Scottish version of Cernunnos/Pan).

The last known Grand Master of The Prieuré de Sion was *Jean Cocteau*. This secret society was sworn to protect the Merovingian bloodline, which was either the bloodline of Jesus Christ Himself, or the bloodline of the pagan horned deity who r*ped the mother of Merovée, the founder of the dynasty.

These Grand Masters were also known as "Nautonniers", a direct reference to the guild of merchants having made the famous "Pilier des Nautes", the Nautes/Nautonniers in question being worshippers of Cernunnos from Gaul around the time of the Roman Conquest.

The Prieuré de Sion was reputed to be searching for a *young woman of pure Scottish descent who would be the Voice of God in the modern world*.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I think I just figured out something Tracy Twyman never actually put her finger on:

About the mystery of the Holy Grail in the parish of Rennes-le-Château:

"In 1891, Berenger Saunière was sent by Monsignor Felix Billard, the Bishop of Carcassonne, to have the parchments interpreted..."

"Felix" is a word that has all-too-often been associated historically with the title "King" (as much in the Bible as in PKD's work as in modern-day sports), while "Billard", although having many interpretations across the ages from one culture to the next, is in fact a very straightforward extension of "bile" (more precisely "like bile" or "full of bile"), the word bile itself referring to the color "yellow".

"Carcassonne", on the other hand, has been generally accepted as the origin of the name "Carcosa".

*Felix Billard of Carcassonne = the YELLOW KING of CARCOSA*

After having decyphered the hidden parchments, Saunière abandonned Christianity and began worshipping the "Rex Mundi", the terrible Demiurge of the Cathars, he even built a giant statue to the infernal keeper of secrets and hidden treasures. These mother f**kers just stepped right into Lovecraft territory.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"In St Augustine’s City of God, of the early fifth century, he briefly discusses some Gaulish fairies called dusii, whom he treated as being identical with “Silvans and Pans, commonly called incubi, [who] often misbehave towards women and succeed in accomplishing their lustful desires to have intercourse with them.”  These are beings who seduce human women, usually coming to them when they are asleep at night, and in their highly sexed nature they link backwards to Pan, inveterate pursuer of nymphs in the groves of Arcady, and forward to the faery lovers of more modern times. St Augustine’s ‘pans’ might also be called fauns or wood sprites.  In about 1000, Bishop Burchard of Worms laid down a penance for any country people who expressed belief in the existence of such ‘sylvans’ or satyrs or who made offerings to them.  A later English version of this same text, dating from the 13th century, repeated the same warnings, but called them fauns."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Inuus versus Innus.

The Caribou Master is a powerful spirit in traditional religion and mythology of the *Innus*, an indigenous people of present-day Canada and Quebec. In the myth, an Innu man goes to live with the caribou. He marries one of the does and is himself transformed into caribou form. He becomes the master of the caribou and the provider of caribou for the Innu people. His appearance and abilities make him very similar to the Celtic Cernunnos.

In ancient Roman religion, *Inuus* was one of the earliest gods, who embodied sexual intercourse. Honoratus wrote that Inuus is an epithet of Faunus (the Greek Pan), named from his habit of intercourse with animals, especially goats and wolves.

Interesting coincidence in the names.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

After my six-hour long near-death experience (in which I entered a state of indescribable communion with the Great God Pan in his highest cosmic form, looking as if he was made of all of the stars and galaxies in the Universe), my mother told me that the first time she came to visit me at the hospital, right after surgery when I was practically comatose, she clearly heard her sister's voice in the room with us. My aunt was telling her "I'm so sorry, I was so selfish, I'm so sorry..." over and over again. That freaked my mother the f**k out, so much so that she was still very deeply disturbed even a year afterwards. I naturally DIDN'T tell her about my whole experience on the other side, the part where Pan looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled upon me knowingly, and I then fell into his endlessly spiralling ram's horns, literally made of the fabric of the cosmos, and ended up walking down a spiral staircase made of black stone. Not a proper staircase really, simply steps made of probably onyx, floating above oblivion. After quite some time walking down the onyx steps, I found my aunt completely listless on the stairs (she had violently put an end to her life five years earlier), and she said "I'm more lost than ever, this is the Abyss, I'm more lost than ever". Without thinking, I took her hand and replied "You're not lost anymore, I've found you." She looked up, her eyes full of life again, and that was it, next thing I remember was waking up at the hospital days later. About a month later, I was at the public library, when I noticed a tall, young, beautiful woman looking at me, smiling. She looked familiar, but I couldn't remember who she was. It suddenly hit me that she obviously was my aunt, looking as she did in my childhood, when she was in her twenties. When I turned around, she literally disappeared. I rationalized it as an unintentional "Orpheus travelling to the Underworld to rescue the soul of a loved one" sort of journey. In this day and age, for f**k's sake. I haven't seen her since. And my life now, from waking to sleep, is devoted to the mysteries of Pan.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

On the secret occult beliefs of Hitler, from various books: he proudly proclaimed that he worshipped "Walvater, the father of the slain" (a giant, horned, luminous version of Wotan), and he believed he was possessed by "thrones, dominions, and powers", the Elders among the stars.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Take this for what it's worth, with a *HUGE* grain of salt:

Nikos Michaloliakos has been one of the leading figures of the extreme far right since the 1970s, the name of his organization Golden Dawn is associated with the "Dawn" when Lucifer will appear and bring with him the "brilliant darkness", as the poet Odysseus Paterakis wrote in his book entitled "Brilliant darkness of Lucifer - National religion of the Greeks". General secretary Nikos Michaloliakos himself wrote about human sacrifices in honour of Lucifer, but in the form of the ancient god Pan: "In the centre of the huge bloody stain, this eternal ruler, the Great Pan is praising the sacrifice of noble instincts and violence." Their leaders consider the past 20 centuries to be mere darkness imposed upon the West, Pan soon acting as our Morning Star, our liberator.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"They said he’d been dead – the only god to die – but this was not so. It was a silly rumour that an Egyptian ship’s captain named Thamus, on a voyage to Italy, heard a divine voice telling him to “announce that the Great God Pan is dead”.

In fact, the Great God Pan had been dormant for all those centuries, slumbering in the noosphere.

The noosphere is the mind membrane that surrounds the Earth. It’s a realm of ideas, a latticework of thought, where ideas attain a reality – they come to life – and the stronger the belief in these ideas the more potent the reality.

The converse is also true, and when people stopped believing in Pan, the god of the wild, of shepherds and flocks, of rustic music, faded away.

And so the Great God Pan slumbered. For centuries.

Until he was reanimated one full moon night in November 2019, near a big city known as “the Chicago of China”, a city at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze rivers. The city’s official name is *Wuhan*.

Human beings reacted as they always do, to this PANdemic supposedly brought about by a PANgolin (falsely accused), in the land of the once mighty PAN-gu: with PANic.

Panic is a neural wildfire that traverses the world at the speed of light. Panic is the harbinger of chaos and destruction.

Panic is a disease believed to be deadly.

All this was of great consequence to the hirsute, horned and lustful god Pan. It had been many centuries since he had sported with us beautiful creatures."

- borrowed/inspired from author Caspar Greeff

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Herodotus wrote that according to Egyptian chronology, Pan was the most ancient of the gods, the "Ogdoad (Primordial) of Mendes"; but according to his own people, Pan was born only eight hundred years before, thus after the Trojan war. Herodotus concluded that that would be when the Greeks first learnt the name of Pan, reintroduced to their civilization by Hermes himself. In the mystery cults of the highly syncretic Hellenistic era, Pan is identified with Phanes/Protogonos, the Creator of the Universe. No temples needed for him, the caves would suffice.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

A reminder that the oldest, literally prehistoric, religion on Earth is that of the very unique Basque people of the Pyrénées Mountains, going back at least 10-12,000 years, perhaps 35-40,000.

Sugaar = their Creator deity, a fiery serpent, literally a gigantic lightning bolt.

Mari = the mother of all witches, dressed in red, the Goddess who channels the power of Sugaar and who rides Akerbeltz.

Akerbeltz = their version of the Great God Pan, nature personified taking the form of a big black goat, who lives deep within the Earth surrounded by his little mischievous servants.

*The very first religion revolved around the Ancient Serpent fallen like lightning from Heaven, and the Scarlet Woman riding the horned Beast, the stuff described in the Book of Revelation.*

The beginning is the end.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

How to modernize Arthur Machen's "The Great God Pan", while remaining faithful to the classic novel:

A young woman named Mary, perhaps merely 13 years old, is living in the streets somewhere in Great-Britain, attempting to survive, until taken in by an apparently well-meaning doctor. Unfortunately for her, the doctor's work is a continuation of the infamous MK-Ultra/MK-Often Programs, experimenting on children in order to use them as "channels" for a higher, terrifying, supernatural power. It is implied their relationship will turn intimate over time.

After various medical proceedures, not only does the doctor succeed in expanding her consciousness, he "lifts the veil from her eyes" until she is able to see the source of all things, the embodiement of the primordial cosmic darkness, the Great God Pan. The experiment somehow leads to her becoming pregnant with a little girl, a baby who is taken from Mary before she is institutionalized.

The little girl, named Helen, will not only grow up to look just like her mother, but she will constantly be in touch with Pan, being his "Moonchild". She will become a talented singer with an otherworldly voice like no other, she will seduce and destroy countless men (and women), and she will practically herald the Apocalypse.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Romans 1: 23 "and they exchanged the glory of the Eternal for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator..."

I have to strongly disagree with the Apostle Paul; to worship the creation is to worship the work of God, the reflection of the Creator Himself.

The embodiement of the creation, of nature, is the "Adam Kadmon", the Judeo-Christian version of the Great God Pan, a primordial cosmic giant possessing "keren", horns of divine power. He is the Kaballistic Tree of Life incarnate.

It is written in various mystical texts that he was the first created, in God's own image, except that at the beginning he was both male and female as one, clearly implying he was as the Baphomet.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Here we have to study in depth the symbols of the Male Goat of Mendes, that everybody is afraid of.

Remember the goat of Capricorn is the Leviathan symbol of Shabbatai, Saturn. The goat is an animal that has an incredible cliff-climbing skills; this is why the symbol of the Male Goat of Mendes has hooves instead of human feet, indicating that, if we want to reach the level of Adam Ha’Rishon, we have then to climb the mountain of initiation.

Adam Ha’Rishon is what Master Jesus calls “the Son of Man,” in other words, the Son of Adam Kadmon. Adam Ha’Rishon’s center of gravity is Tiphereth on the Tree of Life. He is what in Pistis Sophia is called the Child of the Child. The Child is Chokmah, who is one with Binah and Kether, the Father. Tiphereth is the Child of the Child, the son of Adam Kadmon, the Messiah.

The male goat of Mendes points at the white moon and the black moon, or in other words, Nahemah and Lilith, which are under the earth, and which we have to control by disintegrating the animality that we have within. This male goat sits on the cubic stone of Yesod, atop Malkuth, the earth, indicating that he dominates it.

The Male Goat of Mendes symbolizes that we have a spark of Binah (intelligence, Saturn, Shabbatai) in the pineal gland, the door of heaven, which in the Male Goat of Mendes is represented with a torch alit with flame, on top of his head, and which together with the horns forms the letter Shin, which represents fire.

Underneath, below its chest, we see the caduceus of Mercury, that some think is just the symbol of Zayin, the phallus of the male goat, but it is not only that; the Caduceus of Mercury does not only represents Zayin, the phallus, listen, the head of the letter Zayin also represents the entrance of the vaginal canal, therefore he is a perfect hermaphrodite.

The goat of Mendes and its four elements is the symbol of the dragon, the Leviathan, which is on top of the earth, because above Malkuth is Yesod, sex, where the four rivers of Eden converge, which is the habitat of the Leviathan; this is why the head of the goat has the symbol of symbols upon the forehead.

So, this is a positive figure, that represents all of that which we have to control in this world, for the sake of enlightenment and salvation.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"I'm a little worried about neo-fascist groups fully, fanatically embracing "hard core paganism", since they seem to confuse the basics: the Great God Pan, for example, is not the Lucifer/Phosphorus/Hay-lale, but rather the Exterminans/Apollyon/Abaddon IRL..."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

As detailed in "Discourse on the Worship of Priapus", by Richard Payne Knight, people in rural areas of the Mediterranean were still worshipping the Great God Pan in the late 1700s. I wouldn't be surprised if *this* was the leverage the Knights Templar held against Rome centuries earlier: some sort of proof that Pan/the Green Man, known to them as the Baphomet (based upon the Ancient Egyptian Banebdjedet, the "Goat of Mendes"), truly did exist, which would have encouraged most of the rural population of Europe to revolt against the Church, no longer wanting to serve the Pope and the Kings beneath him. What power is left, if the peasants, the workers, return to their pagan ways?

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"I was pulled back through time, back and back, to where It ALL Went Wrong, which would be where around 100 A.D. [...] "That was a wrong turn," the Vast Acting Living Intelligence System that creates decided. "When those people decided on Christianity. I'll throw away 2,000 years, go back... turn to some other religion instead, and have that become dominant. Let's see... ." A New Start. Second Time Around. Why not?"

(P.K.D., 1,000 pages of his Exegesis, out of 10,000, published in 2011.)

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Carl Jung:
"Abraxas generates truth and falsehood, good and evil, light and darkness with the same word in the same deed. Therefore Abraxas is truly the terrible one.
He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn.
Indeed, he is himself the greater Pan, and also the lesser. He is Priapos.
*He is the monster of the underworld, the octopus with a thousand tentacles*, he is the twistings of winged serpents and of madness."

According to Carl Jung, the Great God Pan and what he described as Cthulhu, were the same complex entity, which he identified as "Abraxas".
Lovecraft however identified *Yog-Sothoth* as being Pan (as Cosmic Gatekeeper), mentionning Arthur Machen's work twice in "Dunwich Horror".

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Yaldabaoth is a malevolent god and "demiurge" ("creator" of the "material world") in various Gnostic sects and movements, represented as a lion-headed serpent. He is identified as the false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe. In the act of creation, however, Yaldabaoth emptied himself of his supreme power, thus he continuously attempted to deprive human beings of the gift of the spark of light which he had unwittingly lost to them, or to keep them in bondage. As punishments, he tried to make humanity acknowledge him as God. His name is best translated as 'begetter' of the  'Sabaoth'. *The Gnostics believed Yaldabaoth made a covenant with Abraham, in which he was obligated to serve him along with his descendants. The Biblical prophets were to proclaim his perpetual glory.* I personally interpret him as being one of the two "serpents" the Baphomet/the Great God Pan has "below the waist", the trouble-maker who got away.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The chief deity of Geronimo and the Chiricahua Apache was Ussen, the one with the horns of power. Ussen existed before the creation of the Universe. He created the first Mother whose singing began the creation of life. Ussen also created the Sun God who shook hands with the first boy. Ussen then created the first people and fire and then he left. Ussen now watches events unfold from afar, still intercedes from time to time. Geronimo once had a near-death experience, in which he saw two serpents guarding the entrance of the underground paradise of Ussen.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Giorgio Vasari in the "Life of Michelangelo" wrote (with context):

"The artist presented in the marble the divinity with which God had endowed that holy countenance. (Moses is depicted with "horns" (qeren, "the Shining") which the biblical texts describe Moses as having after he returned to the Hebrew people after the second giving of the Law. The statue depicts the moment when Moses sees God, the "awe at being face to face with the Creator, and momentarily becoming like Him.") The Jews still go every Saturday in troops to visit and adore it as a divine, not a human thing (the God of the Mountain, of the Wilderness)."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In Gnostic writings, such as Hypostasis of the Archons and On the Origin of the World, Sabaoth dethrones Yaldabaoth, the false god of the physical world, and is enthroned by the Sophia in the seventh heaven. Some Church Fathers report on the other hand, that Gnostics identified Sabaoth with Yaldabaoth himself, repented and born again as his own son. The name Sabaoth is rendered as "over all the forces (of chaos)". Sabaoth also is used to describe the innumerable stars in the night sky (Psalm 33:6; 103:20, 21). "Sabazios" however is the ancient sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians, later interpreted as Dionysus/Pan. The Romans identified the Jewish "sa-ba-oth", "of the Hosts", as Jove Sabazius. This connection of Sabazios and Sabaoth was often repeated. Plutarch maintained that the Jews worshipped Dionysus/Pan, and that the day of Sabbath was a festival of Sabazius.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In Psalms (33:6; 103:20,21) "Sabaoth" is used to describe *the innumerable stars in the night sky*. The Romans identified the Jewish "sa-ba-oth", "of the Hosts", as Jove Sabazius. Plutarch maintained that the Jews worshipped Dionysus/Pan, and that the day of Sabbath was a festival of Sabazius (the ancient sky father of the Phrygians and Thracians, later interpreted as Dionysus/Pan). So now I know that the version of Pan I met, made of the innumerable stars in the night sky, has yet another name: the Lord of the Sabaoth, with "qeren", horns of divine power.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Interesting possibility:

The Nazis were working on a project known as "The Bell", which they believed would change not only the course of the War, but also the history of the world itself. The Bell, harnessing a mystical, shimmering form of energy, could potentially travel across space and time while standing still.

The Americans were working on a similar project known as Project Rainbow, later known as the Philadelphia Experiment, in which an entire Navy vessel and it's crew actually did travel across space and time, the same shimmering, rainbow-colored energy being present.

What if the original inspiration of the Nazis was a force often mentionned in Norse mythology, the *Bifrost*, a *shimmering, rainbow "bridge" across worlds*? What if human beings in the early 1940s came very, very close to wielding the power of the "gods"?

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Reading the incredibly detailed and well-researched book "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" by the late, great Jim Marrs, four things become shockingly evident:

- Nazi Germany had the Atom Bomb starting in 1943, and used it *several* times against the Soviets. In fact the A-Bombs dropped on Japan were of German origin, willingly given to the Americans.

- The Nazis were way ahead of the curve when it comes to quantum physics, and even figured out the secrets of anti-gravity, which lead to the construction of the very first "flying saucers".

- German scientists built the world's first digital computers as early as 1938.

- Fourth, and most importantly, the Nazis did *NOT* lose the War. They and the Allied Forces simply agreed to put an end to it in order to avoid further loss of life and civilization, the Third Reich now existing in a decentralized manner, behind the scenes on an international level, mostly within the Deep States.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

For Isaiah 14:12,13,14 how did Jerome get the idea of translating "helel ben shachar" to Lucifer, when the passage is a specific reference to the planet Venus and Babylon? The answer is that Jerome did not properly translate the Hebrew or Greek, it seems rather that he translated as though the original Greek word had been "lukophos" meaning morning twilight. By following the trail of Greek etymology we see that luekeios is an epithet for Apollo and *Pan*. The word "Lukay", not only means morning twilight, but is an epithet for both the Greek gods Apollo and Pan because it means "the god of light". (Liddell and Scott page 1064.)
*As a result of this translation, the images of Pan and the Devil were morphed together and today the Devil is often depicted as Lucifer and his appearance is similar to the Greek god Pan.*
Jerome f'ed up.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Modern science comes from Descartes, who said that the conquest of nature is achieved through measurement and number.
Do you know how he came to that realization?

*He had a psychedelic experience with MUSHROOMS in which an ANGEL told him this was so.*

Your precious reason, your science, is all based upon nothing more than a HALLUCINATION."

- Doctor Doom

"Herodotus wrote that according to Egyptian chronology, Pan was the most ancient of the gods, the "Ogdoad (Primordial) of Mendes"; but according to his own people, Pan was born only eight hundred years before, thus after the Trojan war. Herodotus concluded that that would be when**the Greeks first learnt the name of Pan, reintroduced to their civilization by Hermes himself. In the mystery cults of the highly syncretic Hellenistic era, Pan is identified with Phanes/Protogonos, the Creator of the Universe. No temples needed for him, the caves would suffice."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

At the end of the Book of Revelation, Jesus proclaims himself to be the "radiant Morning Star", a title usually given to Lucifer.
The earliest root of "Morning Star" was the Greek "Luekeios" or "Lukay", an epithet for the Greek god Pan (and sometimes Apollo) meaning "the god of light".
It is recorded in history that around the same time Jesus died on the cross, a great voice was heard across the Mediterranean saying "the Great Pan is dead!"; this was reported by the Roman Emperor Tiberius.
Is it possible that Jesus, Lucifer and Pan are one and the same?