samedi 7 juin 2014

The Blur.

I met a very familiar stranger in a dream. He was Merlin, he was Prometheus, he was the archetypal wise old man who initiates us all in one form or another when we are finally willing to accept enlightenment.

To me, he looked like Alan Moore, wearing a pale grey suit that obviously belonged to someone else.

We were sitting at an ordinary kitchen table, besides a rather large television set, surrounded by "co-workers". I also knew them even though we had never met (not in my waking reality, anyway). We were all looking at books filled with pictures of breathtakingly elaborate crop circles and infinitely moving fractal patterns.

The wise old man, he told me: "What if all there is between you and other people is a blur?"

I looked at my hands, and they were so blurry that I could see through them. I heard a bone-chilling sound, like a washer and a dryer being thrown down the stairs, and suddenly woke up paralysed, terrified, and covered in cold sweat.

This was my very first DMT-induced experience, and it traumatized me something beautiful. Instant, visceral enlightenment that leaves me today with euphoria.

I now KNOW that the individual is as much a set of probabilities as an electron, neither here nor there, existing at many places at once. What if I had woken up in that parallel universe I briefly visited? This life would have been merely a "dream".

73 commentaires:

Michael a dit…

Like. Not much to add, it's difficult to convey DMT experience with words, but a credible job. I've had a lot of Merlin/owl syncs lately.

Anonyme a dit…

Many fine turns-of-phrase in this little nugget. Real writing. Glad yer still kickin'.

ginleefer a dit…

I've had dreams where I vibrated into different dimensions all with different memories and ideas of who I am. In the end I remembered the current me and my children and willed myself to vibrate back to this one and woke up.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

What has been happening over the past year is Lovecraftian as f**k, the coming of Nyarlathotep, aka Carcosa:

- the tomb of high priest Ankh-Ef-En-Khounsou (Nyarlathotep IRL that even Crowley obsessed over) is finally opened in Egypt after 27 centuries of darkness;

- Black Lives Matter ramps up, "the conquered ones" are "taking the knee" for the black man, without knowing why;

- rituals performed near ancient egyptian obelisks, sometimes involving other egyptian motifs (George Floyd's chest tattoo);

- "old, terrible cities of unnumbered crimes" fall into chaos and decay as madness spreads across civilization;

- the YELLOW VEIL of Carcosa, the Covid mask, is worn by all in great fear; remember that "coronavirus" is latin for "to crown the serpent", and "I can't breathe!" when heard in reverse is "Fear snake yea!";

- the crowning of a "Yellow King/Pale Emperor" in D.C. (Biden), his followers going more insane than ever before;

There are more symbols and incidents, I'm sure, ritualistic stuff taken straight out of not only Lovecraft but also modern adaptations of his work such as Alan Moore's "Neonomicon/Providence" and "True Detective" season 1, especially with the pedophile cult running rampant, but one thing is clear:

If this is more than just a LARP, if the "Black Messenger of the Great Old Ones" truly is returning, then the chaos and violence will accelerate, *spiritual* slavery will be the norm, and the Great Reset will be about bringing us back to the first times, when the extraterrestrial and the supernatural ruled upon the Earth, human beings reduced to little more than food or fuel.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Slowly the waves of the BEING (Yog-Sothoth, the Ultimate Gatekeeper) surged out in reply, trying to make plain what was almost beyond the reach of an earthly mind.

All descended lines of beings of the finite dimensions, continued the waves, and all stages of growth in each one of these beings, are merely manifestations of one archetypal and eternal being in the space outside dimensions. Each local being — son, father, grandfather, and so on — and each stage of individual being — infant, child, boy, young man, old man — is merely one of the infinite phases of that same archetypal and eternal being, caused by a variation in the angle of the consciousness-plane which cuts it." - Through the Gates of the Silver Key

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

C. G. Jung, in his famous "night-sea journeys" (psychedelic explorations of the hidden world beneath human consciousness), met a Pan-like gatekeeper named "Philomel", who acted as his spirit guide; he appeared as an old man with bull's horns, kingfisher's wings, holding a bunch of four keys.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In the Book of Revelation, it is written that the people of the city of Pergamon live near "the throne of Satan". The ancient Greek city of Pergamon was reknown for it's massive "altar of Zeus", which later Hitler had dismantled and brought to Berlin, and later still Obama visited and sat upon.

Zeus, in his earliest depictions, was portrayed as a giant serpent with a beard, the Ancient Serpent, which demanded constant sacrifice. Three other things Satan and Zeus had in common: lightning falling from Heaven, being the "god of this world", and their arch-nemesis being the one who created humanity in his own image, saved us from the Great Flood, and ended up crucified at the top of a mountain, Prometheus/Jesus.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

On the origins of *bagpipes*: the Oxford History of Music mentions that a sculpture of bagpipes has been found on a Hittite slab at Alaca Höyük in Anatolia, dated to 1000 BC.

The occupants of the tombs of Alaca Höyük at that period were not from the native Hattian population of central Anatolia, but were *Kurgan* immigrants from the region of Maikop in southern Russia, who spoke an Indo-European language and perhaps became rulers of the local Hattian population.

The KURGAN, remember, *Highlander*?

Incidentally, the very ancient Kurgans of the Steppes prayed to the Steppenwulf (old germanic name, in french "le loup des steppes/des frontières"), the violent "gatekeeper" of sorts, of the frontier between the worlds of the living and of the dead, another name for Cernunnos/Pan.

A very old depiction of an astro-theological Pan playing very early bagpipes:

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I can't believe I've missed this for the past 26 years, from one of my very favorite movies:

In Star Trek: First Contact, when the first warp ship, the "Phoenix", is launched, the song playing very loudly is from the band Steppenwolf. Zefram Cochrane even yells out "We can't leave without it!". The ship in question is a former nuclear missile, VERY phallic, and it looks as if it's aiming for the Moon.

Whenever Jack Parsons IRL launched a rocket, he recited a hymn to the Great God Pan.

"Steppenwolf" is one of the many names of Cernunnos/Pan.

*You need the lyrics of Steppenwolf/the Great God Pan if you want to leave Earth and travel to the stars.*

Zefram Cochrane is therefore the Star Trek equivalent of Jack Parsons, the man practically worshipped like a god in the future, *the man who made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence after a World War which ended with nuclear explosions.*

And his wife is named Lily (Lilith).

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

A bit of Astro-Gnosis:

In early Indus Valley astronomy, Orion was none other than Shiva/Rudra/Pashupati, in other words Cernunnos/Pan:

In a couple of Vedic texts, the star Arcturus was mentionned as the nearest "Vimana Gate", a passage leading from the many worlds of the gods to Earth. Maybe the latest "devastating" variant of Covid, Arcturus, got started over in India for purely symbolic reasons. "One more jab, and the Old Ones shall finally return!"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Additionnal: in the Bible, God says that all of his faithful followers will feast upon the flesh of the Leviathan after the Endtimes. This is verisimilar to the Celtic belief that whenever the end of the World occurs (as part of a cosmic mega-cycle), the Deer-god will devour the flesh of the Serpent-goddess in order to destroy evil and make everything new again; this is based upon the observable natural fact that every spring deers hunt down and kill a serpent, then swallow it whole, in order to force a purge of the toxins accumulated in their metabolism after the long winter months.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In Crete, the Minotaur was known by the name Asterion, a god associated with *stars*, similar to starry Dionysus.
Virgil's description of the Minotaur in the Aeneid: "The *lower* part a beast, a man above."
According to Sophocles's Trachiniai, when the river spirit Achelous (the Etruscan Pan) seduced women, one of the guises he assumed was that of the Minotaur.
J. G. Frazer explains Pasiphaë's union with the bull as a sacred ceremony, at which the queen of Knossos was wedded to a luminous bull-formed god.
The story of the Labyrinth is all about Pan...

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The great actor Andy Serkis not only looks almost exactly like the Great God Pan (whom I met 13 years ago during a Near-death experience), but his career seems to resonate with the character of Pan very deeply.

Best example being his role as "Cesar" in the new "Planet of the Apes" series of films. His character is a chimpanzee; the scientific name for chimpanzee IRL is "Pan troglodytes", literally meaning and intended as "(the Greek god) Pan, dwelling in a cave"; the reason for this is unknown.

The name Cesar obviously comes from the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar; the most plausible origin of his name is from the verb caedō (“to cut”), in the argument of the Julians for receiving a sodality of the Feast of Lupercalia. The title "Caeso" derived from their ritual duty of wearing a goat-skin at the Feast (in honor of Pan) and chasing women around, lashing those who wanted to become pregnant. The Romans themselves attributed the instigation of the Lupercalia to Evander, a culture hero from Arcadia who was credited with bringing the worship of Pan to them.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…


From the Kabbalah (resumed): "At the beginning of the beginning, when Ein Sof, the Unending, was ready to lay the foundations of the four levels of reality and create all the rich and powerful diversity that is creation, from Ein Sof first emanated a cosmic anthropos, Adam Kadmon, the prototypical, universal man. The Adam of the Garden of Eden was this same aboriginal creature, only incredibly diminished in stature. Yet in both the guise of Adam Kadmon and the Adam of Paradise, primordial man had a form composed entirely of light. Indeed, it is only in the hour before the first exile of history that Adam and Eve were shrunk down further into physical bodies. As it is written: "And the Lord God made garments of skins for Adam and his wife..." (Genesis 3.21)."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

In Orphic cosmogony Phanes (or Protogonos) is a primeval deity who was born from the cosmic egg at the beginning of time. Emerged from the abyss to create the Universe, he was a deity of light and goodness, whose name meant "to bring light" or "to shine"; he was essentially the Greater Pan as the very first "Lucifer" figure. In the original Orphic hymn he is named "Lord Priapos"; the Greeks equated him with Dionysus, Sabazios, Bacchus... Here surrounded by the constellations of the Zodiac, along with the symbolic attributes of both Baphomet and Abraxas.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Possibility: we, all of us, might be stuck *outside* of a "perpetual time loop", starting in 1983 and ending 5 million years ago. The more detailed information is found in the link at the end of this thread, but the basic idea is this: an extraterrestrial being gives our most distant prehistoric ancestors higher intelligence, based on her own intelligence and DNA, 5 million years ago, but in 1983 psychics working for the government came into direct telepathic contact with her across time. This most probably locked all of human history within a loop; within it, nothing will ever change, always repeating itself. Before and after, nothing is set, everything in flux. If you were born before 1983, there are two versions of you: one inside, still young, repeating early years of your life, one outside, free.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"People say Christianity later seemed to backslide into temporal power and authority in ways that contradicted Jesus’ reforms. Of course, this is what you get when you kill your teacher. Ancient Jews & Romans tortured and executed Jesus. No, Christianity did not “later” backslide. What we call Christianity, as an organized religion, obsessed with material wealth and political power, with it's very long history of violence and bloodshed, is and was and always will be anti-Jesus.

*Christianity, in its essence, is Satan worship in Jesus name*."

- by "ESr"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

I'm personally convinced that the mad scientists over at the Large Hadron Collider are secretly Pan-worshippers: the acronym CERN was only proper back in '52, because since '54 it should technically be O-ERN; Cern is short for Cernunnos, as in Cern Abbas or River Cern. Then there

is the big bronze statue of Lord Shiva the destroyer outside their headquarters; Shiva was originally Lord Pashupati of the Vedic civilization, no different than the Celtic Cernunnos, imported from the West. Then there is the site of the LHC in Switzerland, where a unique 2,000

year old temple to Apollyon the destroyer was built in the Roman Era, by those who worshipped the Biblical Gatekeeper of the Abyss. Very little is mentionned of the Apollyon/Abaddon in the Scriptures, but in various apocrypha he is presented as the "Anti-God", Nature unleashed.

This is similar to how Jack Parsons became a disciple of Aleister Crowley and recited his "Hymn to Pan" before every rocket launch; real scientists, real geniuses, they abandonned atheism and materialism long ago, they dabble in the occult. Matter is not enough, they want spirit.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

1- In France, in the Middle-ages, Cernunnos (Celtic Pan) was sometimes known as "Gargantua";
2- Pan is considered the Gatekeeper of the Abyss;
3- He is also called "the master of the three worlds".

In "Interstellar", the black hole is called Gargantua, and three worlds orbit it.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Pfizer is a German name, derived from the German words “pfeifer” or “pfiffer”, meaning “pipe player”. It is an occupational name for someone skilled at playing the bagpipes or other reed instruments. It is also a name for a bellows or horn blower.
*PAN*, as usual, as always.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"After he discovered the secret of life (the DNA molecule), Francis Crick, in his book "Life Itself", hypothesized that life on Earth might be the result of *panspermia*. This refers to an extraterrestrial civilization's desire to seed the galaxy. Maybe the ancestral microbes arrived on Earth on a crashed spaceship. Crick's idea isn't irrational. Even the simple organisms that existed on Earth 3.5 billion years ago were much more complicated than the nonliving elements around them; the origin of life is the real missing link of the biological record."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Mendes (Greek, from Proto-Indo-European *mend- “physical defect, fault”), the Greek name of the ancient city known in ancient Egypt as Per-Banebdjedet ("The Domain of the Ram Lord of Djedet").
Mendes was also the name of Greek *Pan* himself, "he who came before the twelve gods".

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Older than both the Olympians and the Titans was the goddess *Thetis*; she was described in "Lovecraftian" terms, a primordial amphibian, living in a phosphorescent cave at the bottom of the sea. Both Zeus and Poseidon desired her, but were also afraid of her, because she was essentially the goddess of *evolution*; her sons being vastly superior to their fathers, replacing them.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Judge Dredd, based upon A) the captains of Francisco Franco's regime, and B) the "dread Namtar", ultra-violent judge of the Netherworld according to Ancient Sumerian myth. Their Netherworld was the "House of Dust", a *gigantic city in the middle of a wasteland* (Mega-City One).

"Below this figure we read THE DEVIL. But the adorers of this symbol do not consider it as such; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan, the Baphomet of the Templars; the god of the primitive Gnostic schools, the Christ also of the dissident priesthood." Eliphas Levi

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Heimdall is one of the oldest gods of Norse mythology, known as 'the one who illuminates the world'. He stands guard over the realm Asgard, from his dwelling at the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst. His most important responsibility is sounding his horn Gjallarhorn to warn about Ragnarok – a great battle that will bring about the destruction and rebirth of the entire Universe. He was also known as Hallinskíði (bent staff) which may refer to his association with ram’s horns being bent in on themselves. Heimdall has a particular association with male sheep, rams; a form of the deity's name, Heimdali, occurs twice as a name for 'ram', and he was said to have horns on his head. This may mean that Heimdall was associated with the ram perhaps as a sacred and/or sacrificial animal or that the ancient Scandinavians may have conceived of him as having been a ram in appearance. In these old stories, Gullinkambi is a rooster who lives in Valhalla, one of the three roosters whose crowing is foretold to signify the beginning of the events of Ragnarök. The other two roosters are Fjalar in the wood Gálgviðr, and an unnamed soot-red rooster in Hel; they are essentially Heimdall’s pets.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"The Enthronement of Abbadon", is a unique apocalypse and apocrypha, the sole extant copy is dated to 981:
Seven angels refuse to go to Eden to bring materials to form Adam because they predict the fall of man, but Abaddon obliges; as a result, he is given control over the Earth, humankind and death. He becomes a kind of king with a molten throne, similar to Hermetic and gnostic interpretations of demons and the Demiurge, and given the power of Judge, to punish the wicked.
“How are the righteous individuals going to survive Abbaton’s terrifying form?”

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Let's not forget what was supposedly unearthed in Iraq just post-invasion in 2003: (The ONLY mainstream headline you will find remaining of this earth-shattering, historical discovery.)

What if they found something back in 2003 -- something an entire offensive invasion of a sovereign country was predicated upon -- and something they had previous knowledge of and were desperate to get their hands on for worldwide deployment at an even then pre-arranged date...

Something they could wage ultimate war on God with. Their aim all along. The long-awaited sequel to the Tower of Babel. Nephilim/Fallen angel DNA." - Wordman

Personally I would nevermind the remains of Gilgamesh/Nimrod and take a look at his companion Enkidu's DNA; he looked like the Great God Pan because he was made in the image of Anu, the Creator of the Universe.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Muslim extremists: "The Al-Aqsa Mosque was built in 637 AD, by the fifth caliph Abd al-Malik! It is OURS!"

Jewish extremists: "NO! The First Temple was built by King Solomon himself, in 957 BC! It is OURS!"

Baphomet: "FOOLS! Ask the Templar Knights! I have been here FOREVER!"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

A perfect example of high-synchronicity:

As I was tracking from one culture to the next every possible variation of the Venusian goddess, I noticed she was first and foremost presented as the archetype of "the Lady of the Lake", going all the way back to the original extraterrestrial visitor 5 million years ago, who arrived in the middle of Lake Titicaca. Well...

"The Lady of the Lake" is a 1928 British romance film directed by James A. FitzPatrick. It is based on the 1810 poem The Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott.

The poem is mainly about the feud and reconciliation of King James V of Scotland and *James Douglas* (NOT my ancestor and namesake, but a purely fictional character).

In the 1928 film, *the character of James Douglas is apparently played by a Scottish actor also named James Douglas!*

I'm doomed. Lady Venus knew about me long before I was born, long before I became obsessed with her.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

One of my fondest childhood memories was when I was four, we were living in a remote, rural area, surrounded by thick woods, and my father would bring me near the forest, all along the old train track, to pick wild berries: strawberries of course, but also blueberries, raspberries, and best of all the biggest, juiciest blackberries I've ever seen in my life. This single memory somehow justifies the rest of my harsh upbringing.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because when I first watched the Director’s Cut of "Conan the Barbarian" 30 years later, there is an additional scene in which Conan and his friend are busy preparing weapons and traps for their enemies, and he starts talking about how his own father, when he was a little boy in the spring time, would bring him into the wilderness to pick as many delicious berries as possible, the last good memory he held on to dearly before the rest of his life turned to savagery and combat.

His friend Subotai says something like: "Every man remembers such things, in the North of his heart."

Despite the fiction of it, we're still hunters and gatherers, 6 or 7 thousand years later, and it actually means something very important to us, beyond words.

Every. Single. Pantheon. Starts out with only one god, a great horned one, and one goddess, half-fish or half-serpent.

The way more gods are included over time is either by:

A) Breaking down the original couple, a phenomenon present in most if not all early cultures, the horned prehistoric "father of all" being turned into a group of smaller, more specific deities; the Celtic people, for example, were fully aware that all of their lesser, more human gods were merely different aspects of Cernunnos; Cernunnos/Pan himself just scared the hell out of them, he was too big, too powerful (his consort being of course Melusine, the equally terrifying serpent-woman living in the depths), or

B) By assimilating other cultures, and adding their divine couple to your own (even though they're merely different interpretations of the same characters); for example, Banebdjedet was an ancient Egyptian ram god with a cult centre at Mendes. Khnum was the equivalent god in Upper Egypt. His wife was the goddess Hatmehit ("Foremost of the Fishes"), who was perhaps the original deity of Mendes. Their offspring was "Horus the Child" and they formed the so-called "Mendesian Triad". But over time, the early kingdoms expanded, smaller cities/cult centres were incorporated, and the one god and one goddess (and often their solar/messianic son) that literally everyone on Earth worshipped by different names and symbols slowly became a vast pantheon of *dozens* of apparently different major and minor deities.

So it is 100% accurate to say there is, and always has been, only one God (and sacred female consort, and holy son), it has NOTHING to do with modern religion, it is in fact the very first, prehistoric faith.

(And the "Devil" was always either A) the darker, more destructive side of God, or B) the "goddess" (they had a love/hate relationship, just like Pan and his primordial nymph, always chasing her around).)

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

VERY few people would know that the Pied Piper of Hamelin was originally called the "PAN Piper", and was considered to be a manifestation of Pan himself: one of the earliest versions of his tale relates how, when he came to cast a spell with his Pan flute on the children, he was dressed all in green, like a hunter (The Green Man/Hern the god of the hunt), and took the children away to a cave near the forest, once the site of a heretic pagan sect, where they were transported to a beautiful magical land (not necessarily as revenge against the townsfolk, but actually to save the children from the Plague, because killing all of the rats wasn't enough).

The Ancient Sumerians streamlined it perfectly:

In the beginning, before either the physical world or spiritual underworld existed, there was only the ABZU, the primordial cosmic ocean. And from the Abzu emerged the first archetypal god-form, LAHMU. Lahmu was the personnification of eternity itself, very hairy, very masculine, with six horns of power, but he looked as if he was made of all the stars and constellations in the night sky. Lahmu from the Abzu became known as the ultimate gatekeeper between worlds, the Sumerians-Akkadians even symbolically placed a small figure of him besides every important doorway, such as the entrances of temples, as a blessing. He was considered the grandfather or great-grandfather of all the gods, but he never judged or interfered, he simply existed.

The descendants of the Sumerians, the Hebrew people, incorporated the concept of Lahmu in Jewish mysticism as the Adam Kadmon, the gigantic, cosmic Primordial Man, through which the Creator makes all things come into existence.

In modern popular culture, Adam Kadmon has been recycled by Marvel as the character of Eternity in the Doctor Strange comic books.

The Great God Pan never died.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Modern science comes from Descartes, who said that the conquest of nature is achieved through measurement and number.
Do you know how he came to that realization?

*He had a psychedelic experience with MUSHROOMS in which an ANGEL told him this was so.*

Your precious reason, your science, is all based upon nothing more than a HALLUCINATION."

- Doctor Doom

"...but according to the Greeks, Pan was born only eight hundred years before."

"SIGH. Herodotus wrote that according to the Egyptians, Pan was the most ancient of the gods, the "Primordial of Mendes", merely *reintroduced* to the Greeks by Hermes himself, after the Trojan War."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Aristotle says that, wishing to circumscribe a "dog", one was permitted to use "Dog-star" (Sirius) or *Pan*, because Pindar states him to be the "shape-shifting dog of the Great Goddess". But this is far enough for now; Pan, the dance-master (choreutes) as well as the real kosmokrator, ruling over the "three worlds", would take a whole volume. During the whole 3000-year history of Egypt Sirius rose every fourth year on July 20 of the Julian calendar. In other words, *Sirius was not influenced by the Precession, which must have led to the conviction that Sirius was more than just one fixed star among others. And so when Sirius fell, Great Pan was dead.*
(Hamlet’s Mill, cap. XXI – The Great Pan Is Dead, 285-286)

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Below this figure we read a frank and simple inscription—THE DEVIL... But the adorers of this sign do not consider, as do we, that it is a representation of the devil; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan, the god of our modern schools of philosophy, the god of the Alexandrian theurgic school and of our own mystical Neoplatonists, the god of Lamartine and Victor Cousin, the god of Spinoza and Plato, the god of the primitive Gnostic schools; the Christ also of the dissident priesthood..."

— Éliphas Lévi, "The Sabbath of the Sorcerers"

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The Taniniver:

"Lilith, was originally part of a hermaphroditic being, the male half of which was called “Samael”. Together, they formed something called “the Beast” and “the Other God.”

In the beginning, God had separated them, because their union created a demonic critical mass that threatened to destroy all of creation. And if they ever were to come together again, existence would be snuffed out immediately. But they yearned for each other, and they still manage to enjoy the semblance of sex somehow, as they are said to use an “intermediary” called the "Taniniver", her "steed".

Samael and Lilith are the same entities as Behemoth and Leviathan, respectively. Together, they form the Baphomet."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Faunus was the oldest among Roman deities, also known as Februus the Etruscan god of the underworld, or simply the Pan of Evander, a culture hero from Arcadia.
According to the epic poet Virgil, *his shade was consulted as a goddess of prophecy under the name of Fatuus*, with oracles in the sacred grove of Tibur, around the well Albunea, and on the Aventine Hill in ancient Rome itself; *the oracular responses were given in Saturnian verse*.
Faunus revealed the future in dreams and voices that were communicated to those who came to sleep in his precincts, lying on the fleeces of sacrificed lambs.
Faunus is the Latin outcome of PIE 'the strangler', thus denoting the 'wolf', a proposition suggested by the fact that the two Luperci ("wolf-men", from Latin lupus, 'wolf') are commonly treated as temporary priests of the god Faunus.

So... the most ancient Pan, his "shade" being a goddess unto itself giving prophetic dreams and voices, it's oracles being almost incomprehensible Saturnian verse, and his priests were the wolves or wolf-men.
Any strawberries on top?

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar begins during the Lupercalia (Celebration of Februus/Faunus/Pan). Mark Antony is instructed by Caesar to strike his wife Calpurnia, in the hope that she will get pregnant (fertility rite in which the goatskin-clad Luperci strike women who wish to conceive, along with goat sacrifices).

Caesar = Pan.
(From the verb caedō (“to cut”), in the argument of the Julians for receiving a sodality of the Lupercalia. The praenomen Kaeso (or Caeso) was possibly derived from their ritual duty of striking with the goat-skin at the luperci Quinctiales and the luperci Fabiani.)

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"In prehistoric times, our ancestors studied the reindeer, domesticated it, and since he gave them food and clothes, they made the reindeer *sun-god*, the ruler of their year. The dropping of his antlers in autumn told them of the approach of winter, and their re-growth in spring heralded the coming summer. The sun-god thus became the *prophet-god* who spoke by these signs, the Celtic Cernunnos, but also later the Pan and the Apollo of the Greeks. The early Greeks knew that Apollo, god of both sun and prophecy, was in fact the more human face of Pan, something bestial which predated civilized life." - J.F. Hewitt, 1901

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"In literary contexts, Apollo represents harmony, order, and reason—characteristics contrasted with those of Dionysus (Pan), god of wine, who represents ecstasy and disorder. The contrast between the roles of these gods is reflected in the adjectives Apollonian and Dionysian. However, the Greeks thought of the two qualities as complementary: the two gods are brothers, and *when Apollo at winter left for Hyperborea, he would leave the Delphic oracle to Dionysus/Pan. No prophecies were issued during this time*."

-Joseph Eddy Fontenrose, Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

According to the rare first folio version of "L'homme éternel" by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, there were three versions of the story of Oannes written by Berossus, the strangest and least known allegedly being 15,000 years old, and was later related by Abydenus: in this version, Oannes and the other Akpallus were not half-man, but half daemon (more precisely half-goat), and essentially looked like *Pan as Capricornus*. He did not come from the stars but was made of stars himself, a living constellation; this was the great educator of humanity at the dawn of time. Pauwels and Bergier mention that the persistent attempts to re-interpret ancient myths as mere extraterrestrial visitations is obviously a materialist, *Marxist* ploy.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Why Andy Serkis is Pan resonator number one:

A) the Great God Pan as I saw him on the other side looked *exactly* like Serkis, except made of stars;

B) his most frequent (and profitable) role was as the chimpanzee Caesar in the modern Planet of the Apes series of films; a chimpanzee is scientifically "Pan troglodytes" literally meaning and intended as "Pan dwelling in a cave", and the name Caesar is historically a reference to the Julians at the Lupercalia, it was their ritual duty to impersonate Pan and chase fertile women around with a goat-skin (Caeso = "to cut" the goat-skin); Julius himself declined to perform this ritual one month before he died, allowing Mark Antony to take his place;

C) Serkis is a man with a thousand faces, always the one playing the role while people see another character entirely, which is Pan's whole thing, he's the ultimate god doing the hard work behind a thousand other, lesser gods.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Seidr ("string") was a type of magic which was practised in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age. The practice of Seidr is believed to be a form of sorcery which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future. In the Old Norse religion, the string relates to the "threads of fate", that the Nornir spin, measure, and cut.

Magic = pulling the thread of fate in your direction.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

There are five figures in Norse mythology which embody the Great God Pan: Ymir, the primordial cosmic giant who was sacrificed so that Yggdrasil may grow; Yggdrasil itself; Freyr, the personnification of both the fertility and virility of nature as well as Yggdrasil; Heimdall, the gatekeeper between worlds who also embodies the World Tree; and Mímir.

Mímir is a figure renowned for his knowledge and wisdom, who is beheaded during the Æsir–Vanir War. Afterward, the god Odin carries around Mímir's head and it recites secret knowledge and counsel to him, divulging information from other worlds; this is Pan as the head of the Green Man and of the original Baphomet of the Templars.

The name Mímir is ultimately related to the word "memory", for he possesses the literal memory of the Universe; this is Pan as "Ram", one of his oldest concepts in which he serves as the living memory of all things.

Mímir was said to be Odin's maternal uncle; this is Pan as the South American rural deity "El Tío", the literal "Uncle (of Christ)", and as the fictional character Steppenwulf, who is the uncle of the ruler of the Universe (Steppenwulf being a rarely used Germanic tribal kenning for Cernunnos as gatekeeper of the Afterlife).

Mímir's name was also sometimes synonymous with both Yggdrasil (Mímir's Tree) and the Well of Wisdom (Mímir's Well).

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Just watched the whole video...

Two things:

First, about when the "Book of Revelation Ritual" started: Revelation 2 was 2008:

Obama visited the Great Altar of Zeus—what the Bible calls “the seat” or throne of Satan—while in Berlin, before giving a speech Jul 24, 2008 — , which is especially important, given what he did upon returning to the United States: he immediately commissioned the construction of a Greek-columned stage from which he made his acceptance speech for his party’s nomination. Because Greek temples such as those built to honor Zeus were thought to house the patron deity, the GOP ridiculed Obama, mocking him as playing Zeus of “Mount Olympus” and accusing his supporters of “kneeling” before the “Temple of Obama.”
This was *August 28*.

Second, if you're right, and 2024 is Revelation 20, but in *reverse*, that means the Great God Pan (Abaddon, the former Demiurge, now the Gatekeeper of the Abyss), will FREE Satan from the Bottomless Pit and UN-bind his chains, letting him loose upon the Earth so that the War may begin.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Kamala Harris was named the "Border Tsar".
Tsar literally means "Caesar".
Caesar literally means "to cut (the goat-skin)", in reference to the very old tradition in which Gaius Julius and his forefathers *played the role of Pan at the Lupercalia*.
Border Tsar = Pan as Gatekeeper.
This is what Germanic tribes sometimes called the Steppenwulf, essentially Cernunnos watching over the frontier between the worlds of the living and of the dead.
*If the mythological Border Tsar doesn't do it's job, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.*

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…


1) The star Capella, its name meaning "little goat" in Latin, Capella depicted the goat Amalthea (a manifestation of Pan) that suckled Zeus in classical mythology. Jim Brandon in "Rebirth of Pan" links practically all paranormal phenomena to Capella, the "shepherd" star in many ancient cultures.

2) Music performed a capella (Italian: lit. 'in the style of the chapel'); a capella can very easily be translated as "without the Shepherd/Pan" (a-capella).

3) The album, ‘It’ll End in Tears’; on the B side, the Tim Buckley track ‘Song to the Siren’ was originally sung by Elizabeth Fraser *acapella*. Fraser struggled to record the vocal unaccompanied, so her Cocteau Twins bandmate Robin Guthrie (reluctantly, allegedly) recorded a guitar part for Fraser to sing over.

SO... Elizabeth Fraser sang "Song to the Siren" a-capella, "without her shepherd".

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The biological equivalent of Pan or Cernunnos as Gatekeeper of the Abyss is *adrenaline*; a tremendous amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream both at the moment of birth and the moment of death, precisely as we exit or enter the Abyss.
As above so below, body/mind.

Forbidden knowledge, jealousy kept by the Elite...
"...the key that unlocks the gate to Valhalla..."
Should point out that the purest mead of the goat Heidrun is interpreted by others as being adrenaline/chrome rushing through the veins as well, but others view this as being metaphorical of being born again into this world.
Maybe the Elite's bloody rituals ensure reincarnation?

The medallion Hunter S. Thompson always wore was given to him by Oscar Zeta Acosta, it represents the "Adoration of Tláloc", an Aztec god demanding *child sacrifices*.
The same lawyer had provided *adrenochrome* to Hunter, obtained from a "Satanism freak" (accused of pedophilia).

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Pan is also the god Loki in Norse mythology. This god is terribly misunderstood. He makes the wheel of time turn, it is because of him something happens (that is why he is always the one who initiates the adventures): he is the vital force, the impulsivity. In the strict biological sense, Pan is adrenaline, and adrenaline drives us crazy: which means, aggressive, wild and uninhibited. He is the god of the crowd because the adrenaline rush is highly contagious.
Thus, Loki, Pan, the adrenaline, is the vital force, the spark that allows life. He has no intentions, he only provokes. It is said they make mad the ones who sees them, just like adrenaline, who can transform you into a ferocious beast, a werewolf, a berserk...
The horned god is first and foremost the key, the one that leads to the other world, the reincarnating child to the ancestor. It is obvious, we must follow it." - Marie Cachet

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

If Charles Fort was right, when a population *infantilizes* itself, it brings about a wave *paranormal phenomena*, due to mass hysteria; this collective hysteria builds up, becomes contagious, generates "psychic electricity", which paranormal entities (strange lights) feed upon.

Which came first: the Mass Formation Psychosis, or the waves of UAPs/demonic possessions?

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Yggdrasill is the placenta, the Tree of Life, it kills itself: it gives itself to itself. Odinn hanging in the tree, and falling down. Re-born.
Odinn is the Mind... that is being re-incarnated. He is the sum of all the forebears, "the father of all the gods", in one symbol.
'My name is now Odinn, Yggr used to be my name...'
He explains how he is the sum of previous lives.
'...all of these, I believe, have become me alone.'
Now we can tell why Odinn is said to have had hundreds of names. He has 'fallen from Yggdrasill' hundreds of times.
Odinn is you... we are all Odinn."
- Varg Vikernes

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…
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JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"In the Bronze Age the Nordic peoples still perceived their forest deity, Viðarr (proto-Nordic WiduR), as a deity with horns. They sacrificed horned animals and viewed them as symbols of the wild and untamed nature, and thus a symbol of the wild forest god WiduR. In the Viking Age Viðarr - as he was called - had lost his horns. The Greek, Roman and Celt names for this same Indo-European deity are Pan, Faunus and Cernunnos respectively, and as we all know very well this god had horns. In other words the Bronze Age rituals, when the priests wore horned helmets to symbolize the forest god, are just older forms of the same religious practice of the Iron and Viking Age. Just because they stopped wearing their horned helmets it does not mean it is a different religion.

To the great frustration of the Judeo-Christians we never stopped practicing our religion. We renamed our gods and called them "Saints" or "God" or "Jesus" or whatever instead, but we never gave up the religious practice. This is evident by the fact that close to 99% of all traditions and holidays and feasts of today have roots in our own Pagan culture. Hardly any tradition or religious feast has actually anything to do with Judeo-Christianity, be it Easter, Yule (Christmas), Saint Hans (summer solstice), Halloween or whatever."

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The Hebrew term Abaddon (meaning "destruction", "doom"), in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans, is the name of the Gatekeeper of the Abyss, Jailor of Satan, King of vast terrifying legions of locusts who shall ruthlessly punish the wicked when the End comes.
In the Apocryphal "The Enthronement of Abaddon" (by pseudo-Timothy of Alexandria), Abaddon was first appointed as the guardian of Adam; everyone, including the angels, demons, and corporeal entities feared him.
*Abaddon was promised that any who venerated him in life could be saved.*
He is also said to have a prominent role in the Last Judgment.
Surprisingly, the Jehovah's Witnesses conclude that "Abaddon" is another name for Jesus Himself after his resurrection; they cite Revelation 20:1-3 where the angel having "the key of the abyss" is actually shown to be a representative of God.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The Wow! signal was a radio signal detected on *August 15, 1977*, by the Big Ear radio telescope used for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence; it was apparently from the constellation Sagittarius.

Elvis Aaron Presley left this world the very next day, *August 16, 1977*.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"The UFO evidence, which is now almost overwhelming, indicates that the entire flying saucer phenomenon is an outrageous enterprise that preys upon our gullibility and is meant to inspire a totally false belief in extraterrestrial (interplanetary) visitants.
Those ghoulish gray-faced characters observed by Strieber and many others seem to be lodged in the memories of many of us, perhaps as racial memories from the distant past. A few even get hysterical when they see it on the covers of books or in the illustrations in tabloids and cult magazines. Religious folk recognize greys as minions of the Devil.
These things are happening in every country on earth. There really is a Hamlin in Germany and there really was a Pied Piper who lured away a large group of Hamlin children in the Middle Ages. Back in 1212, fifty thousand children marched off on the Children's Crusade and vanished. Whole villages have disappeared. There are many well-documented examples. There is archaeological evidence that entire ancient cities were suddenly deprived of their populations on a single mysterious day.
The flying saucers are merely another frame of reference to provide us with an acceptable explanation for some of these grotesque events. An invisible phenomenon is always stalking us and manipulating our beliefs. We see only what it chooses to let us see, and we usually react in exactly the way it might expect us to react..."
-John A. Keel

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"The story goes that one day all the creatures of the sea must offer themselves to the primordial monster-goddess Leviathan. It is reported that a sailor encountered a sea goat while far at sea. On its horns was carved the sentence, translated as "I am a little sea-animal, yet I traversed three hundred leagues to offer myself as food to the Leviathan."
-Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews (1909)
To the Babylonians, the goat fish symbolized the god Ea, horned creator of humanity.
The Greek interpretation of the sea goat is the wilderness god Pan, rewarded for having saved Zeus (and the World), being placed her amongst the stars as the constellation Capricornus.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The character "Mr. Y", from X-Files season 11, especially in "My Struggle IV", is a clear Pan resonator:
-Mr. "Y", as in male fertility symbol;
-He's the boss of "Purlieu", which means "Sacred Place";
-He's the *gatekeeper to the stars*, at the head of the secret space program;
-His office is decorated with *black onyx* (that's unmistakably slabs of black onyx stone behind him, that's what it looks like when lighted from behind).

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"And then I heard a commotion behind me, and upon my turning, I
saw this: Buliwyf, pale as the mist itself, garbed in white and bound
in his wounds, stood erect upon the land of the kingdom of Rothgar.
And on his shoulders sat two black ravens, one to each side; and at
this sight the Northmen screamed of his coming, and they raised
their weapons into the air and howled for the battle."

This section of the manuscript is pieced together from the manuscript of Razi, whose chief
interest was military techniques. Whether or not Ibn Fadlan knew, or recorded, the
significance of Buliwyf’s reappearance is unknown. Certainly Razi did not include it,
although the significance is obvious enough. In Norse mythology, Odin is popularly
represented as bearing a raven on each shoulder. These birds bring him all the news of the
world. Odin was the principal deity of the Norse pantheon and was considered the
Universal Father. He ruled especially in matters of warfare; it was believed that from time
to time he would appear among men, although rarely in his godlike form, preferring to
assume the appearance of a simple traveler. It was said that an enemy would be scared away simply by his presence.
Interestingly, there is a story about Odin in which he is killed and resurrected after nine
days; most authorities believe this idea antedates any Christian influence. In any case, the resurrected Odin was still mortal, and it was believed that he would someday finally die.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Hu, in ancient Egypt, was deification of the first word, the word of creation, that Atum was said to have exclaimed upon ejaculating the Universe.
Atum's hand, the god's wife; he created by masturbation, and the hand he used in this act may be interpreted as the female principle.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Who or what is *ODIN*?

-To the Germanic tribes known as the Lombards (Long Beards), Odin was none other than the Archangel Michael, a conclusion they came to after their conquest of Italy in the 6th century AD. They wanted to live in peace with the Christians, so they studied the Scriptures and realized that both Odin and Saint Michael were the greatest of all warriors, wielding a mighty spear, ultimately defeating Loki/Lucifer.
-To the Romans, Odin was instead Mercury/Hermes, god of eloquence and intelligence, and many Northmen agreed with this.
-To modern reconstructionist Varg Vikernes, Odin is merely a metaphor for the human mind, the collective consciousness personified, as well as a symbol for the process of reincarnation.
-To partisans of the "Ancient Astronaut Theory", Odin was the leader of an extraterrestrial race which visited our early ancestors.

Personally, I just think it's another name for the Great God Pan. One way or another, under countless names and symbols, it always goes back to Pan.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"According to the Sepher Ha Zohar and other lesser known oral traditions of jewish mysticism, the true primordial Lilith was not merely the first human woman, first wife of Adam, but instead an initiator or watcher from another planet, from a "dark star", and she was the mother of the "primitive Adam", grandmother to us all.
She was known to the Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians as the "Mother of Mothers" or simply "World-Mother", and although her blood was blue and our blood was red, she handed down to us her intelligence, her cunning, her perversity and her demonic curiosity. She was the Serpent of Eden who defied the natural order of things and made us different from what God intended."
-Robert Charroux, The Mysterious Past

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

"Pan is addressed in the Orphic Litanies as the first-begotten love, or creator incorporated in universal matter, and so forming the world...
'Lycaean' Pan was the most ancient and revered God of the Arcadians, the most ancient people of Greece. The epithet Lycaean is usually derived from 'a wolf', though it is impossible to find any relation which this etymology can have with the deities to which it is applied; I have therefore no doubt, but that it ought to be derived from the old word 'light', from which came the Latin word Lux. In this sense it is a very proper epithet for the Divine Nature, of whose essence light was supposed to be (Pan, and at times Apollo, being not the wolf or wolf-killer, but rather the light-bringer or Lucifer of the Ancient Greeks)."
-Richard Payne Knight

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Fraser = Freisias = Lovers of Pan (Freyr)

The Germanic word Freisias (Frisians) comes from the Indo-European Preisios. Preisios is a derivation of the root-word prei-, which means: to love.

The West Germanics can be divided along religious lines into three tribegroups: The Ingvaeones; Istuaeones; Irminones. The Frisians belong to the Ingvaeones.

The name Ingvaeones is derived from the god Inguz from whom the Frisians believed they had decended. Inguz is another name for the Germanic god Freyr. They believed themselves to be the children of Pan (Freyr was the god of fertility, virility, animals, wilderness; the elves and other nature spirits were his servants, and he was the only god allowed to sit upon Odin's throne).

The Ingvaeones were more commonly known as the Angles. England gets its name from the contraction of Angle-Land; we can see this still in the French where England is called Angleterre, the land of the Angles. England was therefore named for the God Freyr.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

Is the mythic Sphinx a stand-in for Pan as Gatekeeper?
-The word sphinx comes from the Greek "sphíngēn", meaning "to tighten up", in the sense of an entrance being sealed.
-According to Hesiod, the Sphinx was the same as "Orthrus", a two-headed guard dog, the brother of Cerberus, the Gatekeeper of the Underworld. To the Greeks, there was a single sphinx, a unique daemon of destruction.
-In Egypt, there were nine hundred sphinxes with ram heads (Criosphinxes) believed to represent Amon. In Iran, they were known as Gopats, and were given the head of a bull.
-Overall a threshold figure, helping the transition between the old religious practices, represented by the death of the Sphinx, and the rise of the new gods. This is similar to the death of Great Pan during the reign of Tiberius, taking place before the resurrection of Christ.

JB (of The Meta-Logic Café) a dit…

The Sphinx is the embodiment of Astro-theology, made of four creatures (of the lion, eagle, bull (horns/tail) and man) which are of course the four "cornerstone constellations": the Lion, the Eagle (with Serpent and Scorpion), the Water Bearer, and the Bull. Pan being the Zodiac.